Sunday, August 23, 2015


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If Tomorrow Sleeps,
A Poem Of Future Doubt

The lovers wait on the hill
Above the land of yesterday's tombs
Where graves suck out the day,
And now the sun sinks
Like a slow exhale
To touch the distant earth
And is consumed
By a dark horizon.
Their fears stand guard
Through the night
Watching stars spin
Waiting for a dawn;
And whispering
"Will tomorrow come
To reap the fruit of today's toil?"
And, "Tomorrow has been spent."
And, "Why hope that dawn
Will bring life to our only day?"
The turning sun cares not
About their fears and will
Bring its ashen light regardless.
But it is they who
Believe in love
Who will choose
To leave the hill's safe place
Of doubt
And conquer by the sole of their feet;
Yes, they,
They are the ones
Who will make their own day bright.

"And conquer by the sole of their feet" is a paraphrase of a Bible Reference to Joshua 1:3 where God promises to give the land to those who will by faith take it.

As a person of faith I believe God gives us many blessings; some he just lays in our laps, but many blessings he gives us is like a partnership with Him where he gives it to us but it takes effort on our part to take it.

(c) A.E. Dozat 8/23/15