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A Manifesto Of The Peaceful Warrior
A Poem Of The Cause
We march out at sunrise
Armed with a vision for a new day,
Hopping that this is the dawn
When army trucks stop
To see butterflies cross the road
We bear shovels to dig
A new graveyard for the bones
Of old technologies;
Where guns, cannons, and bayonets
Are buried in the white-hot liquid
Of the tears waiting for justice.
We must not surrender peace
To our leaders,
Who have yet to give it birth.
It is born not of mere goodwill,
Or even stilled guns-
Its day is when every man
Becomes its warrior,
And every hand is lifted,
In sacrifice and service
To its cause.
We must never give up
But let it be our creed
That if today peace fails
To quell hate's fire
Then let this be the day
When I did not fan its flame.
But asked, "How can I
Serve peace today?"