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An Open Letter,
A Confessional Poem Of The Fallen Believer
Yes, I'm a hypocrite
Let's just get that over with.
I love God,
Read my Bible, and
Go to Church.
Yes, Jesus is my Savor
And I am still a hypocrite.
I sin;
I am unloving to my wife,
I neglect my kids,
I cut corners at work,
I cuss,
I lose my temper,
And sometimes I really fall
So deep into the gutter
I can't see light for days.
Yes, I feel bad,
Really, really bad.
But, you know what?
I pick myself up,
Say, I'm sorry,
To God and others,
I ask for forgiveness and help
And then I strive again
To be good;
Because I am grateful
For God's love,
And Christ's sacrifice.
I think it is worth the effort
To try again,
To not give up.
I think Jesus is worth the effort;
I think every you
Reading this
Is worth the effort.
(c) A.E. Dozat 8/13/15