Friday, February 11, 2022

I Hear The Dawn, A Poem by A. E. Dozat

I Hear The Dawn 

My eyes squint against the white
Crunch of snow
As I travel amongst 
Trees stripped by the seasons
Bushes wind-trimmed to unnatural shapes.
The dawn seems too far away
But knowing it is my future
Changes everything, 
Making all the mundane  
Small treasures of my day.
Each step speaks a whispered syllable;
The words of God are all around us
(At least 
For him who has ears to hear).
But they are easily 
Stolen by ravens *
And buried by squirrels
And squandered 
As the setting sun
Casts the sky in colors
Of the day's quiet dimming.
With each step, 
I slip toward my sleep-
Once, for all, and lasting.
Were it not for my confidence
In the promises of  
Him Who is Dawn,
I would run through the night

(c) Adron Dozat 2/11/2022

*The parable of the sower, "As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up."  Matthew 13:4