Saturday, February 15, 2020

You Choose What Could Not Live, A Poem

You Choose What Could Not Live
A Poem about the Dream

You were once a lost bird
Fleeing the broken chimes
Of the whirring engines.
I called for you in the dark.
I was willing
To light the lamp
That would show you the way
To the meadows of home.
You fell prey to
The believer of lies
Whose spider bite
Defiled the pictures of
The icons on the
Cathedral walls.
I longed to command
Winged angels to rescue you.
But holy laws
Chained them away
Less they cross
The ice-filled winds that
Separate human hearts.
So you fell forever
In the metal red rain
Where no flower grows.

Thank you for visiting and reading my poem. I hope you enjoyed it and that it gives you something to think about.  

Please see the sidebar for my best-loved poems, I am sure you will enjoy them too.

I do not like to write dark sad poems, there are enough of those around already.  In this poem, I attempt to express the sad despair of watching someone you love make bad choices and become ruined.  It was inspired by the life of my brother whose drug addiction led to his death by overdose. No one would ever wish bad things to happen to other people and we try to reach out and help them. But sometimes you can do nothing but watch them fall. We must not indulge in survivor's guilt but remember the choices were there's. 

(c) Adron 2/15/2020