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Parable Of The Seed,
A Poem About Willful Birth
We are seeds
Planted in the hopeful soil
Of our days
Seeking an audience
With the sun,
Before whom we hope
To bloom.
We forget that our hard kernel
Will soon soften and rot
Before it can flower.
If we hide in some dark dry place
The shell will stay hard forever
Never to see the day and
Never to bloom.
We would grow hard thorn,
Bathe in the sunlight,
And greet butterflies;
Ignoring that we will be
Flimsy and weak,
Unable to resist
The withering dry wind,
The night frost, and
Noonday sun.
If we admit our frailty,
And make terms with the wind,
Frost, and the sun,
We change nothing-
Except who we are,
And who we can become.
(c) Adron Dozat
Please see the sidebar for my best-loved poems, I am sure you will enjoy them too.
(c) A.E. Dozat 3/10/16