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A Poem About The Small
Lighting cuts the night away.
Thunder pounds the silence.
Clouds broil and churn as if stirred
By some sky rending leviathan.
Every creature cowers
Dreading the next wrathful flash.
"If God is love,"
I asked Pastor Gee,
"Why does the Bible say,
The fear of the Lord
Is the beginning of wisdom?"
"Oh," He replied
"Think of it as
Reverence or respect."
More lighting flashes
With electric light
And a crash that
Vibrates the earth's tectonic plates.
All living things quail;
Foxes in dens,
Birds in nest,
And squirrels in their drays.
Huddled in my bed
I think he was wrong-
And the foxes,
And chipmunks
Are very wise.
Proverbs 1:7.
(c) A.E. Dozat 5/21/15