Monday, October 10, 2016


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The Kept Ones,
A Poem Of Rootbound Justifications

Do trees in the forest
Know of their brothers
Rootbound in clay pots-
Captive by civic design?
Do they mourn their loss
To the woods?
Would saplings fight to rescue
The ones planted
In concrete street corners?
Do birch and fir consider
The wild less of a home
Without brother elms and oaks-
Who never know the meaning
Of their woodland place?
Do oaks feel
Helpless and immobile
At the injustice
To trees in city boulevards
Subjected to the insults
Of canine attention?
Would we condemn them
If they did?
If we were oaks and birch
Would we rescue our brothers
From thirst, solitude, abuse, and neglect?
Or just ask,
"Am I my brother's keeper?"*
And blame our roots.

(c) Adron Dozat

*Genesis 4:9

Thank you for visiting and reading my poem. I hope you enjoyed it and that it blessed your day. 

Please see the sidebar for my best-loved poems, I am sure you will enjoy them too.

(c) Adron 10/10/16