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The Widow's Parcels,
A Poem About Divine Observation
Alone in the cocoon of her home
She measures out plain brown craft paper
As she wraps small packages,
Gifts for strangers far from her.
She sends them out freely
For the love of her God
And for those whom He loves.
Small handcraft of her own making,
Knitted, scarves, socks, caps, and mittens;
For the homeless, poor, and orphans.
From her thin hands, they become
Boxes of light, hope, and cheer.
The cross that dangles from
A dime-store nickel chain
Is not a charm but more-
A dear remembrance
Of him who came to serve,
And of his words to friends,
"Freely you have received
So freely you should give."
She would never regard herself
Like the old widow whose two coins
Were counted by the Christ
Remembered for all time
And blessed in heaven.
Strangers pass her old house
Without knowing that inside
Is an emerging theater,
Which seats heavenly spectators.
In this poem, I hope to express that no matter how small our act of charity or humble its origins those acts are ennobled before God and his angles.
In the Bible, Jesus gave instructions to his disciples which included, "Freely you have received, freely give." Matthew 10:8.
The account of the widow's mite is given in Luke 21:1-4
As the butterfly emerges from the cocoon so the good done in Christ name finds beauty in heaven.
(c) A.E. Dozat